starting the New year with jesus
Join us we start the New Year off right by committing ourselves again to following Jesus together. There is nothing more impactful and life changing than following Jesus in new and deeper ways.
1/12/25 "Romans 8 in 4 Parts"
1/19/25 "Sanctity of Life Sunday"
1/26/25 "Who Are We As A Church?"
12/2/25 Missionary Brent Ressler
the bible recap in 2025
Join us in 2025 as we read the Bible together, wrestling what it means to follow Jesus, together.
Just scan the QR code to access the YouVersion app for the Community Free Evangelical Church of Mahomet specific reading group plan. Here is the direct link:
Also, subscribe to The Bible Recap podcast
for a daily short recap of the readings.
We believe in the power in prayer.
That God does indeed hear and answer prayer. Therefore, we want to pray for one another, and for you.
Click here to submit a prayer request.
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the disciplemaker's prayer
We believe that last things are important things,
because it is usually what you hear last, that sticks.
So in an endeavor to BE DISCIPLES , WHO MAKE DISCIPLES, LIKE JESUS, we close every service and gathering by sending out every member with
the Disciplemaker's Prayer.